The 11th International Symposium on Objective measures in auditory implants (OMAI 2023) held in Antwerp, Belgium between the 25th and 28th September, marked an important occasion for the MOSAICS project. On the 27th September, a dedicated MOSAICS session was held during the conference, as the project’s final event.
It was the first time junior researchers, collaborating in an EID project, had the opportunity to bring their learnings on the OMAI stage, in the format of a dedicated session.
The OMAI conference is a well-respected bi-annual conference in the field of hearing research. This year, it attracted about 120 registrations, with participants from the scientific communities of audiology and engineering, ENT-surgeons, and professionals from the industry, who met in Antwerp traveling from Europe, the US and Canada. Stakeholders from all three cochlear implant (CI) companies where present: Cochlear, Med-El and Advanced Bionics. It was an excellent opportunity for the MOSAICS ESRs to connect with like-minded academic and industrial professionals.
The dedicated MOSAICS session organised on the 27th September at 15:00 – 16:00 local time, was attended with interest by the conference participants. Birgit Philips (Cochlear Ltd., coordinating beneficiary in MOSAICS) opened the session introducing the MOSAICS project before passing the word to the four early-stage researchers (ESRs) within the project, who each had an allocated slot to present the latest results from their respective research projects. Wendy Huinck (Radboud university medical centre, beneficiary in MOSAICS) closed the session with an inspiring outlook into taking the MOSAICS results further.
“It was the first time junior researchers, collaborating in an EID project, had the opportunity to bring their learnings on the OMAI stage, in the format of a dedicated session” says Birit Philips, about the event. An excellent way to bring the collaborative journey of MOSAICS to a close, while shining a light on the ESRs, who will still be continuing their research beyond the MOSAICS project, towards obtaining their Doctoral degrees.
All presentations within the MOSAICS session at OMAI 2023 are openly accessible via Zenodo:
- Minimising Outcome Spread and Maximising Participation in Society: Why – How – What, presented by Birgit Philips
- Exploring reaction times as objective measures of the auditory periphery, presented by ESR1 Ignacio Calderon de Palma
- Assessing top-down auditory processing using EEG, presented by ESR2 Loes Beckers
- Individualized phoneme training for adult CI users, presented by ESR 3 Nikki Philpott
- AuDiET – Data-driven interventions, presented by ESR 4 Enrico Migliorini
- Taking MOSAICS further…, presented by Wendy Huinck
To stay up to date with the latest results from MOSAICS, watch this space or consult the dedicated community area Minimizing Outcome Spread and Maximizing Participation in Society on the Zenodo repository.