MOSAICS has provided four Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) with unique multidisciplinary training via cooperation between academic partners and the private sector, enabling them to contribute to the innovation of hearing related products and preparing them to thrive as specialists based in either the healthcare sector, industry or academia. All ESRs have been enrolled in a structured PhD programme and have received highly individualized supervision from an international supervisory board of leaders in cochlear implants (CI) research. They have performed original and cutting-edge research in the field of CI, benefiting from intersectoral training and secondments in both the academic and private sector.
The inclusion of five non-academic partners in MOSAICS has ensured that the ESRs were provided with industry focused training in the fields of biotechnology, healthcare, electronics, and ICT. Scientific training modules have also built up key research skills and included a patient workshop session during which the ESRs presented MOSAICS results to end users and affiliated groups to receive direct feedback on their outcomes. To bridge communication and exchange between the public healthcare sector, industry, academia, and end users a MOSAICS dissemination opportunity was organized in conjunction with the Euro-CIU Symposium. The modular training approach provided has shaped the MOSAICS ESRs to become future EU scientific leaders in the hearing environment.